Boundless Love Project

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MF3.03 Mindfulness Mission


1. Do the breath meditation (5 min).*

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MF3.03 Breath Meditation Freeman Wicklund

2. Do the MF3.03 intention-setting practice (5 min).*

3. As often as you remember to, and whenever a falsehood alarm rings, take a mindful pause.

4. Do your best to anchor 10-75% of your attention on the sensations of breathing throughout the day. The more what you are doing requires your attention, the less your attention will be on the breath. If thoughts arise that are unrelated with what you are doing, put more attention on the breath.

5. Send your celebrations to your gratitude group and practice sympathetic joy when receiving their gratitude messages. (2 min)

6. Aim to give thanks and celebrate others 15 or more times each day.*

* Log these on your Tracking Log.

NOTE: If you miss meditating or intention setting on any days, answer the questions on your Creating a Daily Meditation Practice handout (From Week 1) under the “Problem Solving” heading in your journal. This no longer counts as an investigation.


1. Use the Mindfulness Mission Planning handout to plan when you will do your mindfulness missions for the week. (5 min)

2. Use the Self-Judgment Investigation worksheet and your journal to investigate 4 or more self-judgments each week. Log each one you do in your Tracking Log. Afterwards, log this as an investigation. (10 min each time)

3. Use the Testing the Effectiveness of Our Investigation handout to evaluate how disidentified you are from the self-judgmental thoughts you previously investigated. Do these one or more days after doing the investigation. Afterwards, log this as an investigation. (5 min)

4. Please submit your Weekly Report on Monday.


1. Download the MF3.03 handouts, slogan card, and visual aids. Print the MF3.03 handouts and slogan cards.

2. Skim the MF3.03 Intention Setting handout to check the relevant check-boxes and personalize it appropriately. (5 min).

3. Cut out, and hang the slogan cards in high visibility areas where you live and serve.

4. Complete the Mindfulness Mission Planning Handout. (5 min)

5. Read and journal the Experiencing Disidentification with False Thoughts. (5 min)


6. Read the Investigating Self-Judgment handout and use it to investigate one self-judgment. Try to do the investigations on different days, as the regular review of the questions will help you retain them better. (10 min to read and investigate)

7. Investigate Your Thoughts. Read the Investigate Thoughts page and follow its instructions (5 min to read and investigate, 5 min to journal).


8. Investigate a self-judgmentand log it. (10 min)

9. Use the Testing the Effectiveness of Our Investigation handout to test the effectiveness of your investigation from yesterday and log it. (5 Min)


10. Investigate a self-judgment and log it. (10 min)

11. Test the effectiveness of your investigation from yesterday and log it. (5 Min)


12. Investigate a self-judgment and log it. (10 min)

13. Test the effectiveness of your investigation from yesterday and log it. (5 Min)


14. Test the effectiveness of your investigation from yesterday and log it. (5 Min)

OPTIONAL: Watch Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth by Adia Gooden (16 min).

It’s important to hear different voices on these subjects, which is why we provide you with readings and talks by other people.

Day 7

OPTIONAL: Read the Judgment Handout.

Additional Resources

1. If you are not already, consider taking the Mindfulness Fundamentals 3.0 course which this Mindfulness Mission is a part of.

2. Consider joining our mailing list.

Banner photo credit: Gift Habeshaw @gift_habeshaw