The Dharma Among Us: Animal Protection Resources

Banner Photo Credit: Eva Blue

Common Ground Meditation Center, a Buddhist organization, hosted a Zoom event on Dec. 1, 2020 called The Dharma Among Us to discuss how the teachings of the Buddha and animal protection relate to each other. Boundless Love Project Mindfulness Teacher Freeman Wicklund was asked to speak at the event and he created this list of resources to share with attendees.

Local Animal Protection

Compassionate Action for Animals - Focuses on vegan outreach and creating a welcoming, friendly vegan community.

Resources to help you explore veganism - Tips on exploring a vegan diet.

Fur-Free Minneapolis Coalition - Working to ban the sale of fur within Minneapolis.

Humane Society of the United States Minnesota - Lobbies at the state and local levels to oppose anti-animal legislation and support pro-animal legislation.

Our Wellness and Liberation - Works to provide total wellness for animal advocates, and is a program of the Boundless Love Project.

Boundless Love Project - We collaborate with several worthy animal groups, providing free meditation trainings, free nonviolence trainings, free marshal trainings, and more.

National Animal Protection

Dharma Voices for Animals - an international Buddhist animal rights advocacy group.

Mercy For Animals - work for farmed animals and have lots of resources on becoming vegan as well as numerous investigations of factory farms that you may watch while listening to your heart.

Our Full Native Land Acknowledgement

I am coming to you from Lakeville, Minnesota, on lands cared for by the Dakota people for generations. I invite you to consider the Indigenous people of your lands, and to honor their story -- past and present. I invite you to think of the many gifts you receive from the land, and how you can contribute to the health and wellbeing of our beloved Indigenous siblings and those lands you depend on. 

The Boundless Love Project stands in solidarity with Indigenous people's efforts to protect their culture, communities, and lands. We ask governments and businesses to honor Indigenous people's inherent dignity and worth, treaties, and communities. 

This is why the Boundless Love Project leadership opposes Enbridge's expanded Line 3 tar sands pipeline which violates Indigenous treaty rights and threatens Indigenous communities who depend on the wild rice beds that Line 3 will likely destroy. We invite you to learn more and consider getting involved at

May all Indigenous people, all non-Indigenous people, all animals, and all lands be safe and protected, peaceful and happy, healthy and strong. May we joyfully work individually and collectively to create a global beloved community where all life thrives.