ACTION ALERT: Tell Lakeville Board of Ed to support Black students and trust their teachers to do what's right

Banner photo credit: Clay Banks


The Lakeville Board of Education have banned Lakeville teachers from displaying “Black Lives Matter” signs and clothing, citing a policy preventing politics from entering the classroom. Teachers say this is a misapplication of the policy, and that most districts have no such prohibition. As community members, we support: racial justice, Black students feeling safe and supported at their schools, and trusting our teachers to do what’s best for their students and our community. Help us convince the board to revoke their decision, so we, as a community, and a nation can have an honest conversation about how to overcome structural racism and create Beloved Community.


1. Tell the Lakeville Board of Educators to support their Black students and trust their teachers to decide what is best for their students and the community.

Emails sent to will go to all six School Board of Education members, and six other important school district heads. Please keep your emails polite, respectful, and thoughtful. if you are from Lakeville, be sure to say that. A sample email that you can use is as follows. Please feel free to cut and paste it into your email and modify it as you see fit.



Dear Board of Education Members,

Thank you for your service. I am very concerned about the school district’s policy preventing teachers from showing the words “Black Lives Matter” in their classrooms. Teachers must have the freedom to make thoughtful and appropriate decisions on what messages to promote in their classrooms given their students, their curriculum, and this critical moment in time where our nation as a whole is engaged in this essential conversation about racial justice. 

Teachers use this issue to teach vital lessons and skills such as critical thinking, dignity for all people, and how to have difficult conversations while being respectful to all involved, even those you disagree with. Teachers may also display “Black Lives Matter” in their classrooms to help minorities feel safer and supported in our mostly white school district. These signs help students of color identify allies whom they may feel more comfortable turning to for help in times of trouble. Student safety and inclusion are necessary for learning and success. 

Every one of our students is an invaluable part of our schools; every student should be made to feel welcomed, respected, and understood. Teachers need to have the unrestricted ability to reach all of their students and to do what is best for them. Please show your faith in our teachers’ abilities to use their judgment and wisdom to make the call of whether or not to display “Black Lives Matter.” 

For these reasons and others, I ask that you rescind the order prohibiting teachers from displaying “Black Lives Matter.” Please trust teachers to do what is best for their students and community. Thank you. 



2. Share this action alert on your social media pages.

Post the photo and/or the following text to your or social media:

SAMPLE LONG TEXT YOU CAN USE (For Facebook, Instagram, Etc.):

ACTION ALERT: The Lakeville Board of Education misinterpreted school policy and banned teachers from displaying signs and clothing reading “Black Lives Matter.” As community members, we support: racial justice, Black students feeling safe and supported at their schools, and trusting our teachers to do what’s best for their students and our community. Help us convince the board to revoke their decision. Take action at: #BlackLivesMatter #TrustTeachers #SupportBlackStudents


ACTION ALERT! Do you support racial justice? Black students feeling safe and supported at their schools? Trusting teachers to do what's best for our students and communities? Then take action at: #BlackLivesMatter

3. Attend the Support Black Lives and Unity weekly demo in Lakeville, MN.

Get the details on our events page.

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