Boundless Love Project

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Year in Review 2022

Banner photo credit: Zachary Nelson @zacharytnelson

The Boundless Love Project Mission

At the Boundless Love Project, we promote the creation of a global Beloved Community where all life thrives. We act as agents of peace and nonviolence, seeing all other life – humans, animals, and ecosystems -- as sacred and worthy of compassion, kindness, and respect.

With this global vision, we act locally to create models of Beloved Community here at home. To do this, we focus on three areas of activities:

• Helping People Awaken: We provide mindfulness trainings and resources to help people use loving intentions, mindfulness, and inquiry to integrate their trauma, transcend unskillful conditioning, and generate insights that liberate themselves from mental and emotional suffering. As a result, they shed fear, anger, and overwhelm, and enjoy a life filled with more love, peace, compassion, courage, and joy.

This year we were thrilled to teach and put online our free Mindfulness Fundamentals course, which is our introductory course to mediation. It gives you the knowledge, resources, and support to start — or deepen — your daily meditation practice, and now people can take it online at their leisure.

We also continued our weekly Zoom-based group meditation and renamed it the School of Love.

• Teaching Principled Nonviolence: We provide free trainings and online resources in the strategy and use of principled nonviolence to help activists, reformers, healers, and communities of all kinds be more loving, compassionate, and skillful. As a result, their advocacy work becomes more effective, sustainable, and healing for their communities and themselves. 

• Working for Social Justice and Providing Joyful Service: To end structural and institutional violence, we ally with movements and campaigns nonviolently working to end violence, injustice, and oppression while creating Beloved Community. We also volunteer our time to joyfully serve those in need.

We do our best to integrate all three aspects of mindfulness, principled nonviolence, and social justice into all of the activities we do. 

Deep Gratitude to You

Thank you supporting the Boundless Love Project. As a small, volunteer-led, nonprofit with BIG DREAMS, we appreciate your mindfulness practice, your goodwill, your prayers, your financial support, your participation, your volunteering, and your compassionate actions that help us create a global Beloved Community where all life thrives. Thank you!

Income and Expense Report

See this chart in the original post


Donations: $2,273.22
Other Revenue: $1.93
Total income: $2,275.15


Programs: $2,482.19 (90%)
Administrative: $280.26 (10%)
Fundraising: $0.0 (0%)
Total Expenses: $2,762.45 (100%)


Total Income: $2,275.15
Total Expense: $2,762.45
Net Loss: $487.30


Funds at Beginning of Year: $5,755.45
Net loss: $487.30
Funds at End of Year: $5,268.15


Cash Assets: $5,268.15
Other Assets: $0
Liabilities: $475.00
Net Worth: $4,793.15


The Boundless Love Project’s preferred method of operation is via a gift economy: We offer our services for free and those who appreciate our work may support us financially, volunteer, or pay the generosity forward by showing generosity towards other life forms in need in our global community.

All board members and officers, who handled the day-to-day administrative work, served as volunteers. Thank you to Colleen Wicklund (Board Member and Vice President), Richard Wicklund (Board Member), Lisa Cleveland (Board Member), and Freeman (President, Treasurer, and Secretary) for your service throughout all of 2022. 

Our Mindfulness Teacher Freeman freely offers his teachings and trainings as a gift. When donations come in ear-marked for Freeman, they are split 50% to him and 50% to Boundless Love Project.

Freeman’s Stipend for 2022 was $687.50. Because he was still owed $1,380 for his 2021 stipend, he was paid a total of $1592.50 during 2022. This means that on 12-31-2022, we still owed him $475.50. This is reflected in the liabilities line. Because donations earmarked for Freeman thank him for his teachings, which are a program, 100% of his stipend is categorized in the programs line. 

Operating a successful organization requires administration and fundraising expenses which, when needed, are equally important as our programmatic spending. This year 10% of our expenses went towards administration fees so we could have a dedicated phone line, and to pay the filing fees for charitable organizations, and 0.0% of our expenses went to fundraising costs. 

Thanks again for all of your support. Always remember that:

YOU are the Boundless Love Project!