Give Thanks Every Day

Appreciating your many blessings is a skillful way to drive delusion from the mind, feel a sense of joy and peace, and inspire creativity and skillfulness in your daily life. Set an intention to give thanks several times a day. Good times to be grateful include:

• as soon as you wake up in the morning

• before you eat a meal, and

• before falling asleep at night.

Use these times to acknowledge the many blessings and see the abundance, beauty, and good in your life. Here are some sample words you can use to give thanks. Feel free to use your own words and adapt them as you see fit:

Thank you life for the many blessings you give me.

[Acknowledge everything you are thankful for here. Be sure to include those things that cause you heart-ache, as they often give you the opportunity to spiritually grow in empathy, compassion, love, and wisdom.]

May all I receive be given freely, out of love.

May I fully appreciate all I receive with an open and loving heart.

May I honor your gifts by using them to live skillfully, in a way that allows all people, all beings, and all life to thrive.

Commit to giving thanks three or more times a day for a week and notice how it improves your life.